Dr. Tabor refers to VOLBELLA as the icing on the cake! Perfect for the patient with pretty lips that just need a touch of enhancement. People with smaller lips can be treated with JUVÉDERM Ultra or Ultra Plus for Structure and then ‘ice’ the lips with VOLBELLA! VOLBELLA® lip injections are recommended for smoother, softer consistency that mimics the natural feel of your lips for up to 1 year.
JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® with lidocaine is a new dermal filler treatment for the lips and Peri-oral area. Designed not only for gentle restoration of natural looking lip volume, it can also be used for defining lip contours, treating oral commissures, smoothing fine ‘barcode’ lines around the lips and supporting the ‘marionette’ lines down the chin.
Developed using Allergan’s proprietary Vycross technology, JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA®with lidocaine is formulated with an innovative combination of low and high molecular weight technology, which improves the cross-linking efficiency of HA chains. This more effective cross-linking allows for a lower concentration of HA to be used, which could result in less swelling. The Vycross technology delivers an ultra-smooth gel, which could result in a natural look and feel, as well as improved duration.
This unique technology allows the product to absorb less water, which may result in considerably reduced swelling compared to more traditional fillers. Not only is there less downtime, the treatment itself is made as pain-free as possible by the built-in lidocaine anesthetic. Results could be seen to last up to twelve months.
JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® lip injections treat lost lip volume, defines lip contours, treats the corners of the mouth that turn down and make you look like you’re sad, smooth’s smoker’s lines and plumps up marionette lines (the lines that go from the corners of your mouth down to your chin).
Normal daily activities can be resumed immediately after the treatment. You will be provided with an ice pack to take home, which lessens the redness and swelling.
JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® is a registered trademark of Allergan Inc.
General Dermatology & Aesthetic Dermatology located in Slidell, Madisonville and Hammond, LA and Picayune, MS.